


Displays aligned sequences, with colouring and boxing


prettyplot reads in a set of aligned DNA or protein sequences. It displays them graphically, with conserved regions highlighted in various ways.


Here is a sample session with prettyplot

% prettyplot -resbreak=10 -boxcol -consensus -plurality=3 
Displays aligned sequences, with colouring and boxing
Input (aligned) sequence set: globins.msf
Graph type [x11]: cps


Go to the input files for this example
Go to the output files for this example

Example 2

% prettyplot globins.msf -plurality=3 -docolour 
Displays aligned sequences, with colouring and boxing
Graph type [x11]: cps


Go to the output files for this example

Command line arguments

   Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers:
  [-sequences]         seqset     (Aligned) sequence set filename and optional
                                  format, or reference (input USA)
   -graph              graph      [$EMBOSS_GRAPHICS value, or x11] Graph type
                                  (ps, hpgl, hp7470, hp7580, meta, cps, x11,
                                  tekt, tek, none, data, xterm, png, gif)

   Additional (Optional) qualifiers:
   -matrixfile         matrix     [EBLOSUM62 for protein, EDNAFULL for DNA]
                                  This is the scoring matrix file used when
                                  comparing sequences. By default it is the
                                  file 'EBLOSUM62' (for proteins) or the file
                                  'EDNAFULL' (for nucleic sequences). These
                                  files are found in the 'data' directory of
                                  the EMBOSS installation.
   -residuesperline    integer    [50] The number of residues to be displayed
                                  on each line (Any integer value)
   -resbreak           integer    [Same as -residuesperline to give no breaks]
                                  Residues before a space (Integer 1 or more)
   -[no]ccolours       boolean    [Y] Colour residues by their consensus
   -cidentity          string     [RED] Colour to display identical residues
                                  (RED) (Any string is accepted)
   -csimilarity        string     [GREEN] Colour to display similar residues
                                  (GREEN) (Any string is accepted)
   -cother             string     [BLACK] Colour to display other residues
                                  (BLACK) (Any string is accepted)
   -docolour           boolean    [N] Colour residues by table oily, amide
   -shade              string     Set to BPLW for normal shading
                                  (black, pale, light, white)
                                  so for pair = 1.5,1.0,0.5 and shade = BPLW
                                  Residues score Colour
                                  1.5 or over... BLACK (B)
                                  1.0 to 1.5 ... BROWN (P)
                                  0.5 to 1.0 ... WHEAT (L)
                                  under 0.5 .... WHITE (W)
                                  The only four letters allowed are BPLW, in
                                  any order. (Any string up to 4 characters,
                                  matching regular expression
   -pair               array      [1.5,1.0,0.5] Values to represent identical
                                  similar related
   -identity           integer    [0] Only match those which are identical in
                                  all sequences. (Integer 0 or more)
   -[no]box            boolean    [Y] Display prettyboxes
   -boxcol             boolean    [N] Colour the background in the boxes
   -boxcolval          string     [GREY] Colour to be used for background.
                                  (GREY) (Any string is accepted)
   -[no]name           boolean    [Y] Display the sequence names
   -maxnamelen         integer    [10] Margin size for the sequence name. (Any
                                  integer value)
   -[no]number         boolean    [Y] Display the residue number
   -[no]listoptions    boolean    [Y] Display the date and options used
   -plurality          float      [Half the total sequence weighting]
                                  Plurality check value (totweight/2) (Any
                                  numeric value)
   -consensus          boolean    [N] Display the consensus
   -[no]collision      boolean    [Y] Allow collisions in calculating
   -alternative        menu       [0] Values are 0:Normal collision check.
                                  1:Compares identical scores with the max
                                  score found. So if any other residue matches
                                  the identical score then a collision has
                                  2:If another residue has a greater than or
                                  equal to matching score and these do not
                                  match then a collision has occurred.
                                  3:Checks all those not in the current
                                  consensus.If any of these give a top score
                                  for matching or identical scores then a
                                  collision has occured. (Values: 0 (Normal
                                  collision check. (default)); 1 (Compares
                                  identical scores with the max score found.
                                  So if any other residue matches the
                                  identical score then a collision has
                                  occurred.); 2 (If another residue has a
                                  greater than or equal to matching score and
                                  these do not match then a collision has
                                  occurred.); 3 (Checks all those not in the
                                  current consensus.If any of these give a top
                                  score for matching or identical scores then
                                  a collision has occured.))
   -showscore          integer    [-1] Print residue scores (Any integer
   -portrait           boolean    [N] Set page to Portrait

   Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers: (none)
   Associated qualifiers:

   "-sequences" associated qualifiers
   -sbegin1            integer    Start of each sequence to be used
   -send1              integer    End of each sequence to be used
   -sreverse1          boolean    Reverse (if DNA)
   -sask1              boolean    Ask for begin/end/reverse
   -snucleotide1       boolean    Sequence is nucleotide
   -sprotein1          boolean    Sequence is protein
   -slower1            boolean    Make lower case
   -supper1            boolean    Make upper case
   -sformat1           string     Input sequence format
   -sdbname1           string     Database name
   -sid1               string     Entryname
   -ufo1               string     UFO features
   -fformat1           string     Features format
   -fopenfile1         string     Features file name

   "-graph" associated qualifiers
   -gprompt            boolean    Graph prompting
   -gdesc              string     Graph description
   -gtitle             string     Graph title
   -gsubtitle          string     Graph subtitle
   -gxtitle            string     Graph x axis title
   -gytitle            string     Graph y axis title
   -goutfile           string     Output file for non interactive displays
   -gdirectory         string     Output directory

   General qualifiers:
   -auto               boolean    Turn off prompts
   -stdout             boolean    Write standard output
   -filter             boolean    Read standard input, write standard output
   -options            boolean    Prompt for standard and additional values
   -debug              boolean    Write debug output to program.dbg
   -verbose            boolean    Report some/full command line options
   -help               boolean    Report command line options. More
                                  information on associated and general
                                  qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose
   -warning            boolean    Report warnings
   -error              boolean    Report errors
   -fatal              boolean    Report fatal errors
   -die                boolean    Report dying program messages

Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers Allowed values Default
(Parameter 1)
(Aligned) sequence set filename and optional format, or reference (input USA) Readable set of sequences Required
-graph Graph type EMBOSS has a list of known devices, including ps, hpgl, hp7470, hp7580, meta, cps, x11, tekt, tek, none, data, xterm, png, gif EMBOSS_GRAPHICS value, or x11
Additional (Optional) qualifiers Allowed values Default
-matrixfile This is the scoring matrix file used when comparing sequences. By default it is the file 'EBLOSUM62' (for proteins) or the file 'EDNAFULL' (for nucleic sequences). These files are found in the 'data' directory of the EMBOSS installation. Comparison matrix file in EMBOSS data path EBLOSUM62 for protein
-residuesperline The number of residues to be displayed on each line Any integer value 50
-resbreak Residues before a space Integer 1 or more Same as -residuesperline to give no breaks
-[no]ccolours Colour residues by their consensus value. Boolean value Yes/No Yes
-cidentity Colour to display identical residues (RED) Any string is accepted RED
-csimilarity Colour to display similar residues (GREEN) Any string is accepted GREEN
-cother Colour to display other residues (BLACK) Any string is accepted BLACK
-docolour Colour residues by table oily, amide etc. Boolean value Yes/No No
-shade Set to BPLW for normal shading (black, pale, light, white) so for pair = 1.5,1.0,0.5 and shade = BPLW Residues score Colour 1.5 or over... BLACK (B) 1.0 to 1.5 ... BROWN (P) 0.5 to 1.0 ... WHEAT (L) under 0.5 .... WHITE (W) The only four letters allowed are BPLW, in any order. Any string up to 4 characters, matching regular expression /^([BPLW]{4})?$/ An empty string is accepted
-pair Values to represent identical similar related List of floating point numbers 1.5,1.0,0.5
-identity Only match those which are identical in all sequences. Integer 0 or more 0
-[no]box Display prettyboxes Boolean value Yes/No Yes
-boxcol Colour the background in the boxes Boolean value Yes/No No
-boxcolval Colour to be used for background. (GREY) Any string is accepted GREY
-[no]name Display the sequence names Boolean value Yes/No Yes
-maxnamelen Margin size for the sequence name. Any integer value 10
-[no]number Display the residue number Boolean value Yes/No Yes
-[no]listoptions Display the date and options used Boolean value Yes/No Yes
-plurality Plurality check value (totweight/2) Any numeric value Half the total sequence weighting
-consensus Display the consensus Boolean value Yes/No No
-[no]collision Allow collisions in calculating consensus Boolean value Yes/No Yes
-alternative Values are 0:Normal collision check. (default) 1:Compares identical scores with the max score found. So if any other residue matches the identical score then a collision has occurred. 2:If another residue has a greater than or equal to matching score and these do not match then a collision has occurred. 3:Checks all those not in the current consensus.If any of these give a top score for matching or identical scores then a collision has occured.
0 (Normal collision check. (default))
1 (Compares identical scores with the max score found. So if any other residue matches the identical score then a collision has occurred.)
2 (If another residue has a greater than or equal to matching score and these do not match then a collision has occurred.)
3 (Checks all those not in the current consensus.If any of these give a top score for matching or identical scores then a collision has occured.)
-showscore Print residue scores Any integer value -1
-portrait Set page to Portrait Boolean value Yes/No No
Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers Allowed values Default

Input file format

prettyplot reads any sequence USA.

Input files for usage example

File: globins.msf


  ../data/globins.msf MSF:  164 Type: P 25/06/01 CompCheck: 4278 ..

  Name: HBB_HUMAN Len: 164  Check: 6914 Weight: 0.61
  Name: HBB_HORSE Len: 164  Check: 6007 Weight: 0.65
  Name: HBA_HUMAN Len: 164  Check: 3921 Weight: 0.65
  Name: HBA_HORSE Len: 164  Check: 4770 Weight: 0.83
  Name: MYG_PHYCA Len: 164  Check: 7930 Weight: 1.00
  Name: GLB5_PETMA Len: 164  Check: 1857 Weight: 0.91
  Name: LGB2_LUPLU Len: 164  Check: 2879 Weight: 0.43


           1                                               50

           51                                             100

           101                                            150

           151        164
GLB5_PETMA Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Output file format

An image of the alignment is displayed on the specified graphics device.

Output files for usage example

Graphics File:

[prettyplot results]

Output files for usage example 2

Graphics File:

[prettyplot results]

Data files

Prettyplot uses a comparison matrix file to calculate similarity to the consensus.

For protein sequences EBLOSUM62 is used for the substitution matrix. For nucleotide sequence, EDNAFULL is used.

EMBOSS data files are distributed with the application and stored in the standard EMBOSS data directory, which is defined by the EMBOSS environment variable EMBOSS_DATA.

To see the available EMBOSS data files, run:

% embossdata -showall

To fetch one of the data files (for example 'Exxx.dat') into your current directory for you to inspect or modify, run:

% embossdata -fetch -file Exxx.dat

Users can provide their own data files in their own directories. Project specific files can be put in the current directory, or for tidier directory listings in a subdirectory called ".embossdata". Files for all EMBOSS runs can be put in the user's home directory, or again in a subdirectory called ".embossdata".

The directories are searched in the following order:







Diagnostic Error Messages


Exit status

It exits with status 0 unless an error is reported.

Known bugs

Portrait mode does not cover the whole page! This is a "feature" in plplot.

See also

Program nameDescription
abiview Reads ABI file and display the trace
cirdna Draws circular maps of DNA constructs
edialign Local multiple alignment of sequences
emma Multiple alignment program - interface to ClustalW program
infoalign Information on a multiple sequence alignment
lindna Draws linear maps of DNA constructs
pepnet Displays proteins as a helical net
pepwheel Shows protein sequences as helices
plotcon Plot quality of conservation of a sequence alignment
prettyseq Output sequence with translated ranges
remap Display sequence with restriction sites, translation etc
seealso Finds programs sharing group names
showalign Displays a multiple sequence alignment
showdb Displays information on the currently available databases
showfeat Show features of a sequence
showseq Display a sequence with features, translation etc
sixpack Display a DNA sequence with 6-frame translation and ORFs
textsearch Search sequence documentation. Slow, use SRS and Entrez!
tranalign Align nucleic coding regions given the aligned proteins


Ian Longden (il ©
Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK.

Many features were first implemented in the EGCG program "prettyplot" by Peter Rice (pmr ©
Informatics Division, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK

The original suggestions for the PrettyPlot program were from Denis Duboule and Sigfried Labeit at EMBL. Gert Vriend added the star marking. Rita Grandori suggested the -NOCOLLISION option.


Completed 5th May 1999.

Target users

This program is intended to be used by everyone and everything, from naive users to embedded scripts.

