


Find protein sequence regions with a biased composition


oddcomp searches a series of protein files, reporting the identifier for those that exceed a certain amino acid composition threshold in a portion of the sequence.

oddcomp was written to answer the question 'which proteins contain at least n X and m Y in p residues'.

One could search for serine rich or polyglutamine rich, collagen helix, or similar proteins using this program.

oddcomp takes as input an amino acid composition data file in the same format as the output from compseq. It can tolerate any word length within reason for the memory capacity of the machine in question. Only the first two fields in the composition data file are used: the word and the number of occurrences. Any word not mentioned is initialised to a threshold of zero.

oddcomp measures the amino acid composition (this can be dimers etc as well as monomers) in a sliding window. If and when composition meets or exceeds all the specified thresholds, the sequence is reported and oddcomp moves to the next sequence. It does not report where in the sequence it found the matching region, merely the sequence ID.

oddcomp was originally written to identify SR/RS containing proteins. eg. specifying a window of forty amino acids containing at least 3 SR and 4 RS words.

To search for a specific set of words in a sequence, edit the input composition data file to delete any words from the input file in which you are not interested. The search is a boolean AND so there must be (from the short example above) at least 3 SR AND at least 4 RS for the sequence to be reported. If your total words specified exceeds window-wordlength+1 you will never get any hits.

Only one word size can be used and is specified at the top of the file in compseq-style output.


Here is a sample session with oddcomp

To search for entries in swissprot with at least 1 SR AND at least 2 RS:

% oddcomp 
Find protein sequence regions with a biased composition
Input protein sequence(s): tsw:*
Program compseq output file: oddcomp.comp
Window size to consider (e.g. 30 aa) [30]: 
Output file [edd1_rat.oddcomp]: out.odd

Go to the input files for this example
Go to the output files for this example

Command line arguments

   Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers (* if not always prompted):
  [-sequence]          seqall     Protein sequence(s) filename and optional
                                  format, or reference (input USA)
  [-infile]            infile     This is a file in the format of the output
                                  produced by 'compseq' that is used to set
                                  the minimum frequencies of words in this
*  -window             integer    [30] This is the size of window in which to
                                  Thus if you want to count frequencies in a
                                  40 aa stretch you should enter 40 here.
                                  (Integer 10 or more)
  [-outfile]           outfile    [*.oddcomp] This is the results file.

   Additional (Optional) qualifiers: (none)
   Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers:
   -fullwindow         toggle     [N] Set this option on (Y) if you want the
                                  window size to be set to the length of the
                                  current protein. Otherwise, leave this
                                  option unset, in which case you'll be
                                  prompted for a window size to use.
   -[no]ignorebz       boolean    [Y] The amino acid code B represents
                                  Asparagine or Aspartic acid and the code Z
                                  represents Glutamine or Glutamic acid.
                                  These are not commonly used codes and you
                                  may wish not to count words containing them,
                                  just noting them in the count of 'Other'

   Associated qualifiers:

   "-sequence" associated qualifiers
   -sbegin1            integer    Start of each sequence to be used
   -send1              integer    End of each sequence to be used
   -sreverse1          boolean    Reverse (if DNA)
   -sask1              boolean    Ask for begin/end/reverse
   -snucleotide1       boolean    Sequence is nucleotide
   -sprotein1          boolean    Sequence is protein
   -slower1            boolean    Make lower case
   -supper1            boolean    Make upper case
   -sformat1           string     Input sequence format
   -sdbname1           string     Database name
   -sid1               string     Entryname
   -ufo1               string     UFO features
   -fformat1           string     Features format
   -fopenfile1         string     Features file name

   "-outfile" associated qualifiers
   -odirectory3        string     Output directory

   General qualifiers:
   -auto               boolean    Turn off prompts
   -stdout             boolean    Write standard output
   -filter             boolean    Read standard input, write standard output
   -options            boolean    Prompt for standard and additional values
   -debug              boolean    Write debug output to program.dbg
   -verbose            boolean    Report some/full command line options
   -help               boolean    Report command line options. More
                                  information on associated and general
                                  qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose
   -warning            boolean    Report warnings
   -error              boolean    Report errors
   -fatal              boolean    Report fatal errors
   -die                boolean    Report dying program messages

Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers Allowed values Default
(Parameter 1)
Protein sequence(s) filename and optional format, or reference (input USA) Readable sequence(s) Required
(Parameter 2)
This is a file in the format of the output produced by 'compseq' that is used to set the minimum frequencies of words in this analysis. Input file Required
-window This is the size of window in which to count. Thus if you want to count frequencies in a 40 aa stretch you should enter 40 here. Integer 10 or more 30
(Parameter 3)
This is the results file. Output file <*>.oddcomp
Additional (Optional) qualifiers Allowed values Default
Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers Allowed values Default
-fullwindow Set this option on (Y) if you want the window size to be set to the length of the current protein. Otherwise, leave this option unset, in which case you'll be prompted for a window size to use. Toggle value Yes/No No
-[no]ignorebz The amino acid code B represents Asparagine or Aspartic acid and the code Z represents Glutamine or Glutamic acid. These are not commonly used codes and you may wish not to count words containing them, just noting them in the count of 'Other' words. Boolean value Yes/No Yes

Input file format

Input files for usage example

'tsw:*' is a sequence entry in the example protein database 'tsw'

File: oddcomp.comp

# Example input file for oddcomp
Word size       2
Total count     0

# Word  Obs Count       Obs Frequency   Exp Frequency   Obs/Exp Frequency
RS      2               0               0               0
SR      1               0               0               0

Other   0               0               0               0

The columns "Obs Frequency", "Exp Frequency" and "Obs/Exp Frequency" are not required - they were simply included in this example to show the similarity between this input file format and the output of the program compseq. A compseq output file can be used as the input to oddcomp - the extra columns are ignored by oddcomp.

A minimal composition input data file would look like this:

Word size       2
Total count     0
RS      2
SR      1

Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.

The first non-comment line should start with 'Word size' and will specify the word size to use.

A line starting with the word 'Total' is required.

Anything after the line starting with the word 'Total' will be read as word count data.

Word count data consists of a word to search for and the count of that word to search for within the sliding window. The columns are separated by one or more spaces or TAB characters. Anything after these two columns will be ignored.

Output file format

oddcomp writes a list of sequence name identifiers.

Output files for usage example

File: out.odd

# Output from 'oddcomp'
# The Expected frequencies are taken from the file: ../../data/oddcomp.comp
#	Word size: 2

#	END	#

Data files








Diagnostic Error Messages


Exit status

It always exits with a status of 0.

Known bugs


See also

Program nameDescription
antigenic Finds antigenic sites in proteins
digest Protein proteolytic enzyme or reagent cleavage digest
epestfind Finds PEST motifs as potential proteolytic cleavage sites
fuzzpro Protein pattern search
fuzztran Protein pattern search after translation
helixturnhelix Report nucleic acid binding motifs
patmatdb Search a protein sequence with a motif
patmatmotifs Search a PROSITE motif database with a protein sequence
pepcoil Predicts coiled coil regions
preg Regular expression search of a protein sequence
pscan Scans proteins using PRINTS
sigcleave Reports protein signal cleavage sites


David Martin (dmartin © rfcgr.mrc.ac.uk)


Written (1999) - David Martin

Target users

This program is intended to be used by everyone and everything, from naive users to embedded scripts.

